“…a startling choice as Color of the Year for 2011.”


Soooo…what do YOU think?  Does it make you laugh, squint, cringe?  It’s always exciting to see Pantone’s color selections and consider how the emotion behind them tell us a little more about how we’re doing on just about all levels, whether personal, community, national and even global.  The Honeysuckle of 2011 is “decidedly pink with a dash of red artfully mixed in.”

“A color for all seasons:  Courageous.  Confident.  Vital.  A brave new color for a brave new world.”

In times of stress, we need something to lift our spirits.  Honeysuckle is a stimulation, captivation color that gets the adrenaline going–perfect to ward off the blues.  -Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute

300_1434662When you’re passin’ by….flowers drop and sigh

And I know the reason why

You’re much sweeter….goodness knows

Honeysuckle rose

-Louis Armstrong

imagesEntry/Living - upbeat & dynamic
 033110pink01_rect540Dining/Kitchen - stimulates appetite & conversation





2pink-bathroom-ideas-laufen-4Bedroom/Bathroom - revitalizing & cheerful 

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